28 research outputs found

    Internet Banking Adoption in South Africa: The Mediating Role of Consumer Readiness

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    The recent rapid development of Internet banking (IB) around the world is not without certain challenges. For instance while a majority of banking SSTs (Self Service Technologies, e.g. ATMs and debit cards) have been well received by the South African market, consumers seem sceptical towards Internet banking. This paper seeks to test various conceptual frameworks of consumer adoption patterns of IB with the view of a framework with the greatest explanatory power for the South African market. To achieve the stated objective of a framework for IB adoption in South Africa, this paper suggests an approach not yet undertaken, according to the literature review conducted, within the South African retail banking industry – investigating a comparison of the predictive efficacy of two common groupings of variables most cited in the consumer behaviour literature as important determinants of adoptive behaviour in SSTs. These are: perceptions of innovation characteristics and consumer readiness (CR) variables. Therefore, the primary objective of this article is the consideration of this gap within the body of knowledge around South African consumers’ IB adoption behaviour. Through a descriptive quantitative analysis of 1516 large sample size, innovation characteristics as consumer’s perceptions (complexity, perceived risk notably) or views (endogenous variables) were found with greatest predictive power over IB adoption, in the South African consumer market context. This finding is therefore for marketers (particularly in South Africa) a set of useful tools that can be relevant to promote the adoption of IB

    Individual Differences Versus Consumer Readiness Variables Predictive Power Over Internet Banking Adoption in South Africa

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    Self-service banking technology is gaining recognition globally in spite of its numerous challenges. Debit cards, ATMs and other Self Service Technologies (SSTs) are well received in South African market; however, customers seem cynical about Internet Banking (IB). IB consumer’s adoption patterns frameworks are tested within this paper based on a framework providing for the South African market with the best explanatory power. Thus, investigating consumer readiness (CR) and individual differences (IDs) variables as common groupings usually cited in the literature consumer variables predictive efficacy, provide better understanding of the consumers towards SSTs in South Africa.CR comprises role clarity, ability and motivation (extrinsic and intrinsic), while IDs includes inertia, technology anxiety, need of interaction, previous experience and demographics. This study purposes to identify among IDs and CR variables, which one with greater predictive power on IB adoption in South Africa.Considering this gap within the body of knowledge, in relation with IB adoption behaviour among the South African consumer is therefore the present article primary objective. Consumer’s individual differences (technology anxiety and education variables specifically) as exogenous variables, through a large sample size (n=1516), descriptive quantitative analysis, were found in context of South African market with greatest predictive power for IB adoption by comparison over consumer readiness. In South Africa particularly for marketers, these findings therefore are a set of relevant keys that can be useful in promoting IB adoption.&nbsp

    The impact of generation Y’s customer experience on emotions: online banking sector

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    Recently, banking sector focused on attracting Generation Y (individuals born between 1980 and 2000) because they have emerged as a huge force with growing spending power which will unavoidably rival with Baby Boomers’ market dominance. They try to attract them through a unique customer experience, especially the ability of differentiation. Using the Mehrabian & Russell’s model of stimulus (S) - organism (O) - response (R), this study developed the Generation Y customer experience framework that intends to explain their consumer emotional responses toward customer experience attributes in a bank through three aspects: pleasure, dominance, and arousal toward online banks. Empirical evidence, based on data from a survey suggests that the overall customer experience attributes in the bank had a positive relation with emotional responses in different ways. “Value for money”, “Getting things right the first time” and “Put the consumer first” emerged as the most important attributes for Generation Y in experiencing a bank.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Customer values and CSR image in the banking industry.

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    ABSTRACT: The authors analyse the role that collectivism and novelty seeking play in the formation process of corporate social responsibility (CSR) image in the Spanish banking industry. Two multisampling analyses of a structural equation model are performed on a sample of 1124 customers. The findings of the article allow the authors to anticipate CSR image based on (i) the congruence between the company and its CSR initiatives, (ii) the attribution of motivations for the company to implement CSR and (iii) corporate credibility in developing CSR initiatives. The findings also show that collectivists and innovative customers process information differently to individualists and conservative customers

    The development of a stakeholder-based scale for measuring corporate social responsibility in the banking industry.

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    ABSTRACT: Research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) has notably increased in recent years and many scales for measuring CSR image have been developed in academic literature. Due to the contextual character recognized in the implementation of CSR strategies, in this paper a new scale based on stakeholder theory is developed to evaluate customers’ perception regarding the CSR performance of their banking service providers. The proposal of reliable measurement tools for evaluating customers’ perception is especially relevant for companies because of their significant role in influencing the design and implementation of corporate strategies. Results demonstrate the reliability and validity of this new scale in two different samples. In the banking industry, CSR includes corporate responsibilities toward customers, shareholders, employees, society, and all legal and ethical requirements of banking institutions. Nevertheless, different kinds of banking institutions have specific CSR images, which reveal different strategic approaches to CSR

    Market orientation, e-Business adoption and competitive advantage: A partial least squares model

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    Adoption of e-business, its antecedents and consequences are of importance to marketing theorists and practitioners. Founded on the Resource Based View, this paper hypothesises that reactive and proactive market orientation, conceptualised as capabilities, positively effect e-business adoption and competitive advantage. By applying the partial least squares technique, this paper empirically validates these hypotheses. The findings suggest that the firms intending to adopt e-business should ideally develop capabilities such as reactive market orientation and proactive market orientation. Implications for the vendor firms include segmenting their potential clients based on these capabilities when developing a strategy to market e-business technologies

    Questioning the sustainability of pro-poor consumer lending in Pretoria : a qualitative case study

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    •• Objective: This article aims to assess the impact of microfinance’s consumer-lending approaches in supporting financial and poverty alleviation objectives. •• Research design and methods: A qualitative case study of one microfinance organisation in Pretoria was conducted. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. •• Main results and findings: Microfinance has great potential to stimulate financial stability at local levels. Results suggest that presently financial sustainability is the primary concern of microfinance institutions, and to improve their financial viability, they are progressively offering a wide variety of products and services similar to those of banking institutions. •• Conclusion and contribution to the body of knowledge: As with other financial services providers, past demarcations of financial institutions appear to be fast diminishing. To remain competitive, as it targets higher LSM markets, the MFI increasingly is improving its corporate image and identity